9:00 Traditional Worship
10:30 Contemporary Worship
All Sunday school classes for preschool, children, and students have resumed.
God loves us one and all. There is no one beyond His love. It’s a given. There’s nothing you can do to earn it and there’s nothing you can do to “un-earn” it. God loves you. In fact, He loves you so much that He gave the most precious thing He had in order to make the way open for you to live in a relationship with Him. He gave His Son, Jesus to destroy the barrier between you and God, the barrier that is your sin. When Jesus died on the cross, it wasn’t for His sins. He had none. It was for your sin that He died, and in so doing, He did everything that needed to be done for you to be saved. The only thing that remains is the response you would make to what He’s done. There are only two responses possible. One is to trust Jesus enough to give Him your life. The other is to do something else, anything else. I invite you to trust Jesus and give Him your life today. You can give an outward expression of that inward decision by praying a prayer such as this: “Dear God, I admit that I’m a sinner and unfit to be in Your holy presence. I ask that You would forgive me of my sins, past, present and future and I ask that You would be my Savior. As sincerely as I know how, I give You my life, believing that Your will for my life is better than my will. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.”
If that prayer or one like it expresses the sincere desire of your heart, it is the beginning of your experience of salvation. Salvation is both “once and for all” and an “ongoing process”. The “ongoing” part of salvation is the process by which God molds us into the likeness of Jesus. We would like to help you in that process. Please call us at (601) 825-5704, or simply fill out the form at the bottom of this webpage, and someone from our church will be in touch with you. Let us help you get off to a good start in your new life in Christ Jesus.