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Join a Bible Study at Meadow Grove

At Meadow Grove Baptist Church, we believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that we can rely upon it for truth and guidance. It’s the foundation of our preaching and it permeates our worship. Each Sunday, over 300 people meet in small groups to study the Bible. Some use age-graded curriculum. Others explore the Bible to see what God has to say about a particular theme or topic. Regardless of the format, there are more than 30 classes for people of all ages, taught by dedicated, well-prepared teachers. The goal of Bible study at Meadow Grove is to help people become not only “hearers” of the Word but “doers” of the Word.


When you first visit Meadow Grove, ask one of the greeters, staff or members to help you find the group that’s right for you. We will go with you to the meeting place and introduce you to some people there. You don’t have to join the church to be a member of any Bible study. All you have to do is come, and we pray that you will.

Bible Study Classes

We’ve got multiple age-graded classes from which to choose. The lessons are designed so that you can jump in at any time and not be behind. Small group Bible studies meet Sundays at 8:50 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.  Our greeters or staff would be glad to help you find a group that’s right for you. 


Additionally, the Meadow Grove School of Discipleship has quarterly classes designed to help believers become more mature in their faith and effective in their service. These classes are in three categories:


  • New Member Orientation.  This class is for all new members of Meadow Grove to include both those who are new to the Christian faith and those who have transferred their membership to Meadow Grove from another church. 

  • Basic Discipleship.  These are classes on basic Christian disciplines. Examples of these would be classes such as “How to Study the Bible" and other studies would appeal to and benefit any Christian. 

  • Topical Studies.  These special interest classes would not be for everyone but would be of great value to some people. These would typically be studies on parenting, particular matters of theology, social justice issues or church history.


To find out what special events might be going on outside of regularly scheduled Bible Study, please click the calendar icon below. 

Bible Study Resources


Meadow Grove has a lending library for its members and regular attenders.  It’s stocked with reference books, commentaries, books of theology, books on current events, Christian fiction and children’s books.


Bible Reading Plans. 

Excellent Bible reading resources are found at: 


RightNow Media. 

This is an on line library of more than 3,000 DVDs on Bible study, topical issues and leadership development.  This is a subscription service Meadow Grove has purchased for its members and regular attendees.  For more information about RightNow media, contact Gene Theriot, our Minister of Education.


Meadow Grove Baptist Church

Physical Address

3221 Louis Wilson Drive

Brandon, MS 39042

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 794

Brandon, MS 39043

Phone:  601-825-5704

Office Hours:  M-Th 8:00-4:30   Fri 8:00-12:00

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